The Locust God: Budget Commander Deck Tech and Upgrade Paths

One of the most powerful things to do in a game of Magic: the Gathering, particularly in Commander, is drawing a bunch of cards. One of the most fun things to do in a game of Magic, in any format, is making a bunch of tokens. Building a deck with The Locust God as theContinue reading “The Locust God: Budget Commander Deck Tech and Upgrade Paths”

Winners and Losers from Magic: the Gathering Modern B&R Update July 13, 2020

Arcum’s Astrolabe is banned in Modern, and the Modern Horizons common leaves behind a glaring hole, roughly the size of the cave in which Arcum stored that astrolabe. Even a cursory look outside the cave will reveal a number of cards and archetypes that will both benefit from and be hurt by the banning.

Modern Discord League with Grixis Death’s Shadow

There are ways to cure your itch for Magic: the Gathering, even while in quarantine. In my effort to keep playing the game I love, I joined a Modern league via Discord. The games are played via webcam or cell phone pointed at your play mat, using a service such as Google Hangouts or ZoomContinue reading “Modern Discord League with Grixis Death’s Shadow”

Mono Red Prowess: A Beginner’s Guide to the Fastest Deck in Modern MTG

Ever wanted to swing with a 19/2 with first strike and trample on turn 3? That’s just one of the best-case scenarios for a goldfish with Mono Red Prowess. As a color, red is known for its speed and aggressive style of play. Prowess decks take these philosophies to their extreme by combining two keyContinue reading “Mono Red Prowess: A Beginner’s Guide to the Fastest Deck in Modern MTG”

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